Sunday, January 25, 2009

I almost forgot.

Lomu's Birthday was FABULOUS. Absolutely, hawt.

And the Inauguration was everything. EVERYTHING.

I never got close enough for any really good pictures, but I leave you with this:

This is my city. Welcome, Mr. President.

Lion and Lamb Locosity

I know, I know.

It's been a while. But I have a very, VERY good reason.

A few weeks back, I made the mistake of seeing the movie "Twilight". I was late on the uptake. I had been vaguely aware of the whole Twilight mania that was simmering somewhere just South of the mainstream radar, when the first book was published back in '05. At that time, the idead of a Romeo&Juliet flavored love story that involved Vampires seemed so utterly absurd to me. I ticked it off my list as another Harry Potter. I was never a huge fan of the franchise. It just never appealed to me. Even after the mania reached its peak, and the movie was released, I resisted the barely apparent urge to go see it. It simply happened on a whim, I had nothing else to do. I was resigned to leaving the theater feeling duped and ashamed for having sat through an hour and a half or more of its stupidity.

But, I am secure enough to admit when I am wrong.

I saw the movie, and suddenly I became instantly obsessed. I needed- no- I HAD to know more. I had to know EVERYTHING that happened between Edward and Bella. I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with their story.


Don't gag yet, I borrowed that last line.

The point is, I have never been a fan of anything romantic in the least. So it was startling and unnerving to me, to find my self so engrossed in either the movie or the books. And I didn't care.

So... as any obsessed fan would do: I got all four books. And read them. One after the other. As soon as I finished the last page of one book, I was on to the next. I paused only to sleep, sometimes not even that. I ate when the hunger became too much and I couldn't focus anymore. Did I mention that my second semester has started back already and I've already had one Legal Rhetoric assignment due? Yeah.

I finished the last book early this morning at my boyfriends house. I lay on the bed with tears in my eyes and fell asleep before I even knew I was tired. When I woke up, I was sad. I was honest to God, SAD that the series was over...That there was nothing more for me to read. So I scoured the internet for hours. Looking for anything, something, related to the Twilight Saga. I devoured of article, review, or interview involving anyone even remotely connected to either the movie or the actual books. Like a fiend, I read every outtake or extra that Stephenie Meyer had posted on her website. I visited all of the actor's fansites and became an instant fan of all of them. Not to parody the novels, but I had an insaitiable thirst. And none of this seemed to quench it. So, I watched the movie again. I feel asleep on it, and when I woke up, I restarted it. That was about the 12th time I'd watched it. Right now, as I type this blog post, I'm listening to the soundtrack.

*as an aside, I hope you realize that I can be completely honest about this whole thing because of the fact that my blog is anonymous -- to a certain extent. Only my closest friends or my bf would be able to identify me from these posts.*

Anyways, while I was taking a much need shower, I started thinking about all of this. This weird episode I was beginning to recover from. Why had I, the worlds most unromantic person ever, become to enthralled in a sci-fi love story. It seemed just as absurd as I had originally considered the series. And then it occurred to me: my life was strikingly different from what it was in 2005. Four years ago, I was deeply unhappy and incredibly lonely. The memory still causes me a faint pain, somewhere between my heart and my rib cage. Four years ago, I had anxiety attacks whenever I stopped to consider the path my life was taking. Sure I was in college, a good college at that. But I was desperately unhappy and engaging in a variety of reckless activities. I wasn't so much self-destructive as I was in need of a great distraction. Something to drown out that dull murmur of discontent. I tried everything from men - lots of men- to alcohol and drugs. And as soon as the high wore off, or the afterglow faded, I felt as though I had falled deeper. Everything seemed darker. Romance novels definitely had no place in my world. They were too painful.

But now, years later, my life couldn't be more different. Despite the fact that I'm four years older, I'm also pursuing my J.D. and doing it quite well. And, I am in love with someone who has seen me at my worst and still accepted me with open arms. This was the change that allowed me to appreciate these novels.

Much like Bella felt a certain kindship to the characters in Wuthering Heights, I felt as though I understood their story on the deepest of levels. I could grasp the immensity of their profound and impossible love, because I had someone in my life that I am also willing to die for. Someone who I would probably die without.

This realization has allowed me to release some of the fixation. Not completely. But enough so that I can once again function. I had to write this post because I felt as if I would explode if I didn't document this somewhere.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

aaaand we're back

After a looooong weekend of self-pity, I've finally found my way back to the surface. I am a terribly emotional person. I'm not sensitive--meaning: I don't get offended easily or cry for no reason. But there are certain things and people in my life that are very important to me and when those things or persons are threatened, I lose it. This weekend I felt as those my law school aspirations and my relationship were on shaky ground. And I cried. For days. I didn't eat or sleep or shower ( hawt right?) For the the entire weekend. I went home to see my mom. I also went to my father's house, because he was feeling pretty low himself. And I tried so hard to let go of all those feelings of loss and anxiety. At 6 am I jumped out of bed and threw some sweats on and drove an hour (from my mom's house) to LoMu's apartment. Luckily, he heard his phone ringing and buzzed me into his apartment. And I cried and he held me and I apologized and he consoled me and forgave me for being such an emotional wreck. And we fell asleep. And when I woke up, it was all better. You see, blogosphere, that is why I love this man. He is the single best thing in my life. Don't get me wrong, I have my own life and my priorities are set, but he gives me the strength and courage to pursue my dreams. He has my best interests in mind, and I would give anything just to make sure that he is safe and happy.

LoMu's birthday is on tuesday but we're celebrating both tomorrow and tuesday. I'm excited to spend this time with him and to spoil him with food, liquor and presents. I will not post again until Wednesday or Thursday. And then not again until after the Inauguration. Hopefully, I'll have lots of pictures for you all.

Abrazos y besos,


Monday, January 5, 2009

Somethings Missing

"I'm not alone, I wish I was/Cause then I'd know, I was down because/I couldn't find, a friend around/To love me like, they do right now." - John Mayer "Somethings Missing"

Happy New Year and all that jazz.

I wish I could write a happy post about all the fun I'm having and all the good things going on in my life. But I'm at a real low right now. And no matter how much I try to push through it, I just can't get out of this rut. Without going too deep into detail, I found out today that my school basically screwed me out of $10,000. Money that I desperately needed to cover my living expenses for this semester. So chances are, I'll have to move back home to my mom's house and commute back and forth every day for the rest of the semester. This is not good. Not good at all. My mom and I barely get along and she lives really fucking far from my school. No, there is no housing for grad students.

To top it off, LoMu and I have been getting into stupid little arguments. About nothing. And I wish he was here for me more. I know that's selfish. He works and all that. But damnit, I'm slowly slipping into a weird spontaneous depression and when I need him to just love me, he's telling me to get over it. I know he loves me but sometimes I just need to hear it, repeatedly. I sound like such a baby but right now I just want to be comforted. And he's not here. And I feel like shit. I'm sorry blogosphere. For being "uh oh" loco and not "jaja" loco. But I've never been good and faking it.

Hopefully I'll be feeling better in a few days.

Abrazos y besos,

Friday, December 26, 2008

Prom Queen

Last night, right before bed, LoMu looked at me and said " Loco, I want to give you a ring." Now, if you've been paying attention, you'll know that I have been thinking about us getting engaged for some time now. So to hear him actually say something about 'rings' in a serious tone was exciting.

"Oh really?" I asked, trying to seem completely unfazed.

"Yeah, you know, like a promise ring..." He responded.

My ego fizzled. A promise ring? Aren't we a few years too many past Prom for promise rings?

I don't know, I could be wrong. One of Sano's coworkers and her boyfriend exchanged promise rings and they're damn near middle-aged. I thought it was an incredibly stupid idea. Still do.

Abrazos y Besos,


Thursday, December 25, 2008

This is What I Mean By Loco.

So, as many of you know, I have this wonderful man (who you all know as LoMu). He looks something like this (note: this is NOT him, its a just a man who looks like him IMO):
Here's an actual picture of him, just so you know I'm not foolin':


Anywho, we've known each for something like eight years. We met when he was "talking to" my best friend's younger sister in Middle School. We became very, very good friends and ended up dating in high school. Sadly, I was a scandalous vixen and broke up with him after a blissful 3 months ( yeah right, he was away at boarding school almost the whole time). I went off to college and when I graduated in May, we rekindled the flame. I lurve him.

We recently just started talking about getting engaged. He already refers to me as his "espousa" when he introduces me to friends. And almost every morning when we wake up, he asks him to marry him. Its his way of saying I love you. But its got me thinking. Why not just get engaged now?

I don't know any engaged people. I'm at that age where most of my friends are thinking about it, but haven't met the one or just plain not ready, so it feels a little weird to be thinking about all of this. But, I have found the one (again, hah) and I am ready. As there has not been an official proposal, all of my research has been done in super secret Loco fashion, I don't want LoMu feeling "the pressure", as he likes to call anything that I ask him to do before he's ready to.

This is what I want my ring to look like:
Since I'm in Law School and he's taking some time off from College, we don't have the money for anything extravagant. I found this ring on the Zales website for a super low, affordable price. And its gorgeous. Exactly my taste. The "P.P.F" engraved in band stands for "Past. Present. Future." How perfect? Loves it.

Oh, I also started a profile on the wedding planning website The Knot. If you're engaged or plan to be engaged, its definitely worth a look-see. Its extremely cute and gives you a lot of information in a non-overwhelming fashion. Loves it.

Anyway, I found this dress while looking on that website and its a good idea of what I'd like in a wedding dress:

Let's be honest. I look nothing like this model. I'm a voluptuous, big booty-ed young lady. But I have toned arms, a flat stomach, and a stunning decolletage *snort* I'm so f*cking pretensious for using that word in a sentence. But anyways, I think something like this would be classy but sexy on me. Loves it.

But anyway, thats as far as I've gotten. All this wedding stuff is mildly boring and sort of pointless right now. But I do it anyway. Because that is me. And you love it.

Abrazos y besos,


p.s. try not to get use to this frequent posting thing. I'm just bored right now.

Ol' Loco and the Entire Loco Clan

Christmas with my family is always interesting. This year it was quiet and easy. A rarity. My parents are divorced but they live down the street from each other. Literally. My oldest brother, LoBro #1, lives with my mom. He has since he left College four or five years ago. My other brother, LoBro #2 is married with a son, Lil Loco. I love my nephew. He's possibly one of the most important people in my life. Lil Loco's mom, my sister in law, was my brother's highschool sweetheart. They reconnected after a year away at school and Lil Loco happened. So LoBro #2 put college on hold and decided to be a family man. Me and him have our issues, but I'm proud of him, he's doing his best.

Anywho, my dad, Papa Loco, invited himself over for Christmas breakfast and dinner. He stayed long enough to sallow his food. Me and my dad have never really gotten along. More on that later.

LoBro #1 spent the entire day in his room. But that's normal for him. He's extremely anti-social and introverted. But he's a sweetheart when you really get to know him.

LoBro #2 came over after dinner with Lil Loco. He's the only person Ol' Loco bought presents for this year. That's fine. Thats the way it should be. We had our time. But Ol' Loco is ridic. She bought him a 19" Flat Screen TV/ DVD combo. He's 2.5. He's not even potty trained yet but he has a nicer TV than I do. I'm bitter.

I slept in today. I stayed up late watching HBO On Demand and talking to LoMu on the phone. I love him so much. He needs a better job though, one that doesn't require him to work on every major holiday.

It was a good day. I haven't really been filled with Christmas cheer this year. Not that anything bad has happened, its just been a trying year. I'm sure you all can relate in some way or another. But today was decent. Now, I'm going to drive 45 minutes back to my apartment in the City, crack open my Jim Beam and wait for my man. Till tomorrow.

Abrazos y besos,